Thursday, October 2, 2008

Cordillera: Cool clime, hot hues

Whoever said that the chill of the highlands means everything is drabbed down by the fog and the mists?  It might be perpetually chilly up there but it's no excuse to let the mercury dictate the choice of color schemes.Judging from the bold colors we keep seeing on the road -- from the boldly-painted traders cafe in Kibungan, Benguet, to the brightly-colored garb and umbrellas of passersby in Bontoc, a case can be made for the penchant of highlanders to contrast the fog-draped air with hues that seem to jump out from the scenery.Why, even the flowers abloom in sagada are a riot of colors, joining in the explosion of hues in the predominantly-green landscape. Talk about local color -- no excuse to be drab here when even nature inspires one to try a little splash of bright, eye-catching color here and there.