Monday, September 17, 2018

Birding in Baler

Eurasia Tree Sparrow among the coconut fronds
Foregoing a return sunrise shoot in Ampere Beach, I wandered to the lot adjacent to L'Sirene resort.  The lot to the right is the back area of the local public works compound, still thick with trees and shrubbery.  Needless to say, there were quite a lot of birds frequenting the place, the morning filled with tweeting.  There's the ubiquitous Eurasia tree sparrow, of course, a lot of them even visiting the eaves of the rooms so their birdsong is a nice playlist to wake up to in the early hours of the morning.  Also spotted some Yellow-vented Bulbuls but not after trying to keep still and identifying their signature chittering, preferring the talisay trees to the coconut palms that dot the resort compound and the next lot.

Yellow vented bulbul
Yellow-vented bulbul

Unidentified grey bird
All images shot with a Nikon B700 © 2018 Oggie Ramos