Friday, March 29, 2019

Flights of Fancy eBook Exerpt: Chestnut Faced Babbler Spotted in Maligcong

The Chestnut-faced Babbler (Zoosteromis whitehedi) is one of the birds I keep seeing in Maligcong though I welcome every sighting. Gregarious especially when feeding seemingly at all hours, the chorus of chirping is more pronounced in the early morning and the late afternoon before sunset. This medium-sized bird is a frequent visitor of various kinds of forests - mossy, pine, open, as well as scrub and human habitats.   The veranda of Suzette's Maligcong Homestay is a fine window as any to observe this bird; the bird also frequents the many trees along the main road of Sitio Makonig.

Image detail:  Taken with a Nikon B700, Manual Mode, Handheld | © 2019 Oggie Ramos