Monday, March 18, 2019

Flights of Fancy Maligcong Birding eBook Excerpt: Page 4 Blue Rock Thrush

I must admit, my buddy, Ferdz (aka Ironwulf) was the one who spotted this Blue Rock Thrush (Monticola solitarius) on the concrete roofing of Suzette's Maligcong Homestay.  Ferdz was very busy with my Nikon B700 but I knew I have to borrow it for a while before the opportunity flies away.  True enough, we weren't able to spot this guy this close again.  Neither was I able to see him on my return solo trip last January so he must be a migratory visitor.   It's the second thrush we've seen in the locality following our serendipitous sighting of the Island Thrush on the Mt Kupapey summit viewpoint.  I actually saw this thrush a second time during the previous trip but perched on a wire a bit farther away near the entrance to the terraces path. | Image detail:  Taken with a Nikon B700, Manual Mode • 2019 Oggie Ramos