Monday, April 29, 2019
Flights of Fancy eBook Excerpt: Mountain Verditer Flycatcher Spotted in Maligcong, Bontoc
I still had my Nikon D7100 when I took a shot of this blue little bird, the Mountain Verditer Flycatcher back in 2015. It eluded identification until I requested assistance from Ma'am Alice Villareal, one of the founders of the Wild Bird Club of the Philippines about two years later. I originally shot it for documentation since some of the kids played around with a fledgling they found in a nest under the homestay of Suzette in Maligcong. I thought it would be wonderful to learn its name as well as of the other birds who call the place home, even if some are transitory. This is one of my first acknowledged lifers, even if I didn't realize it that time of capture. | © 2015 Oggie Ramos | Taken with a Nikon D7100 + Nikkor 18-200mm f/3.5-5.6, Handheld, Manual Mode