Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Shifting Perspectives: Expect Miracles

Oggie Poster • Photo attribution: Aaron Burden | Unsplash

I came across a derivative of this quote by Osho from a video that cited a similar quotation from the late metaphysician and inspirational author, Dr. Wayne Dyer.  Any which way you word it, the thought is the same: let's turn the 3d world on its head.  Instead of dismissing miracles as the purview of prophets long gone, let's acknowledge that miracles can be a daily occurrence in our lives. It's easy to dismiss small things -- like picking a P20 on the street, or getting a bit of help from a stranger but if we tweak our perspectives, these are miracles in themselves.  

Renowned metaphysicians of yore such as the late Bob Proctor are quoted as saying that whatever we give attention to expands. Changing our perspectives on life and living is free and freeing. Recognizing miracles, big or small, is the gateway to being grateful, which in turn, is the gateway to more blessings.  Will be posting similar quotes I find inspiring featuring mini posters I do using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop from hereon. As Dr. Wayne Dyer said, "Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change."