Thursday, January 9, 2020

Pasig Rave Rainforest Adventure Park: Birdspotting in the City

Philippine Pied Fantail
I was sick post New Year's day, coughing and feverish, my breathing made difficult by the pollution caused by so much fireworks in my sister's area.   So for my birthday a week after, I decided to go birding after a lunch photo coverage of a cafe in the Pasig area.   It rained the night before and was cloudy when I set out for the day but lo and behold, the heavens withheld their precipitation and so was treated to the sight of birds right here at the heart of Pasig City. 
Adorable Zebra Dove on a tree
Even after just entering the park, we could hear the bulbuls.  And we weren't mistaken, there were plenty of Yellow Vented Bulbuls flying from trees, especially the many mango trees.  And just when we thought we've seen a lone Philippine Pied Fantail going around, we stumbled upon many more when we went around the park.   There were also Zebra Doves around the lagoon and sunbirds among the high treetops of the sunset promenade area.   The city of Pasig is privileged and fortunate to have such a park.   It was nice to see kids and parents enjoying being among the trees, shrubbery and animals (there's a mini zoo) instead of the usual malling.  While I'm not a fan of zoos, it can serve the purpose of introducing kids (adults, too) to animal-life.
Yellow Vented Bulbul
Maybe, some birders may say that the bird finds are quite ordinary but I disagree.  Finding birds managing to thrive in the city is, in itself, a miracle.   Considering the noise and air pollution, as well as the relative lack of food, spotting birds are a joy, regardless of the fact that I keep seeing them, especially the bulbuls, even here in Makati where I live.   Their profusion in the park is a happy find, managing to co-exist with humans most of whom are oblivious to their presence.


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