Monday, December 13, 2004

Ho-ho-holiday rush

One of the drawbacks of the upcoming holidays is all the rushing. Wasn't able to put in quality sleep this weekend because of all the things I have to attend to. After Fri's overtime, there are errands before coming to work on a Sat. Then party in the evening. Then more errands and chores the next day. This next two-three weeks will be another whirlwind of activities, mostly of catching up with friends I haven't been or seen or talked to for most of the year. With a lot of work on the plate, I'm really glad I was able to start shopping for presents early.But I haven't finished yet. For the first time in years, I wrapped my gifts save for some (I hate the waste kasi, call me killjoy but that's how I see it). Will I be able to see all my friends this season? I don't know but I'll definitely try.

The office load is complicated by the need to prepare for our party which is just a day away! This year, we have to do away with the creative competition/presentation and simplify the program due to the busy-ness. For most of the staff, they need one less stressor to deal with. And besides, we're all looking forward to hearing news about our bonus, hehehehe.

P.S.  It's bittersweet to get a Christmas card from an uncle in the U.S. am glad because he remembers me all these years even if I stopped mailing cards thru snail mail. Sad because I learned that Aunt Lois passed away this February. Even my mom and an aunt was shocked. I'd better write him a card and mail pronto. Didn't know the impact of my cards until now. I feel guilty for not continuing it. Hopefully, Uncle Ernie and I can communicate much more often via email. One more thing to feel good about the internet. He's like 80-82 years old and yet he's into computers. Boy, I wish I can convince my mom to dabble into it herself. It would be so much easier to keep in touch.


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