I really have no plans of shooting until Ironwulf texted me about this. what better time to field test my camera. The intermittent rains really delayed the proceedings; it's not as if the scheduled 4pm start isn't late. By the time the elementary category performances tapered off, the fading light really made photography difficult.T he artificial lighting was uneven and by the time 6pm rolled, it was time for an early dinner. Sayang, some of the performances were good, we could've stayed on had it been held earlier, in good light. Also, the staging was not optimal for shooting with trees blocking the way. Anyway, okay na rin for a few hours of shooting. saw some fellow bloggers in the parade (was that you Sidney, armed with a D200 and in leather shoes & striped polo to boot?) and Eric (aka biyahilo). I'm not really big on fiestas but every once in a while, it's nice to go out there and meet fellow photogs.