I can't wait to find a sked and the budget to go back. Need to honor my promise to Lola Fiorestida that i will give her the Reader's Digest issue (Nov. 2006) where she got featured. Also my promise to an Ivatan friend that i will go back and visit again. Besides, I miss the homey atmosphere of Tito Shane and Tita Del's inn fringeing Basco Bay. (Image of Basco lighthouse from my Batanes 06 archive)
PS: bai Ferdz aka Ironwulf noted it and I also got word that the reduced fare is indeed part of the Travel Expo happening at SM Mall of Asia for a very limited period. Sigh! Anyway, if you have the money and the time to go there this weekend, try to grab those limited seats before they're gone. Believe me, the last time around, it took only a day before they were all snapped up.