Allow me to reminisce: rewind back to January 20, 2004,1.02am during an overtime when i discovered a friend's blog. I was experiencing the heady effects of Tramal (the only painkiller I can safely take) because of a back problem and the frustration of not being able to play badminton (was competitive for around 3 years then). Dunno what moved me to try this relatively newfangled thing called web journalling. Maybe a way to reach out to the world? Find a world outside my realm? Discover friends i may not otherwise find? Maybe, maybe, maybe. Writing for a living, I'm no stranger to writing journals. But to expose them to the world? Hmm, let's see.
FROM BLOGGIE TO TRAVELOG TO LAGAL[OG] - My naivety made me choose the name "bloggie" for this blog's first incarnation. Good thing O don't have any screenshot of it -- it was gaudy. And wordy, since i haven't gotten into photography at that time. After a year, it has become "travel[og]" and armed with a nikon point and shoot, I slowly introduced some pictures.I t wasn't until i got into more serious photography in 2006 when I had an epiphany, deciding to give this blog a sense of purpose: to promote the Philippines. by this time, it has assumed the name, "lagal[og]".
FUTURE LAGALOG - For the future, I hope to stay true to this commitment by showing more of the Philippines and helping promote backpacking in the country.
SPECIAL THANKS - Let me take this opportunity to thank all my friends and readers, old and new, who have been part of this space. allow me to name some of them because they were truly instrumental in showing the way and helping me grow:
• Dindin, aka supermom and superfriend, for introducing me to and helping me grow in my photographic journey; her defunct site,, was my earliest inspiration
• Ferdz, aka ironwulf, who's like a kid brother to me, for all the support and help through these years
• Boyet b, A Philmug orig, thanks for introducing me to blogging
• Estan, for helping me get out of a rut that nearly made me shut this blog down last year
• Lori a, from Manila to California to Arizona, you've always been a dear friend and supporter
WWW.LAGALOG.COM - I would also like to take this chance to announce the birth of my own domain, which will serve as my online fotofolio. The prototype is now up. I will continue this blog and link it to the new site under the travel[og] subheading.I owe a lot to Ferdz for making this long overdue project happen. God bless you always, my friend. And God bless y'all and with your support, I look forward to the next 1,000.