Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year Reflections

Ayala Triangle Reflection
Ayala Triangle Manger Reflection
In the beginning was the Word.
And the Word was with God.
And the Word was God.
John 1:1

I have a fever and fighting off infection as I write this post intended for 1st January but I guess better late than never. It's the new year and with the turning of the page comes a new opportunity to be more hopeful, a chance to be more thankful. An opportunity to be more loving, a chance to be more forgiving.  An opportunity to be a blessing, a chance to be more giving.  That we are given the chance to live another day to make amends is something easy to take for granted but a gift to be eternally thankful for.

Every new year's day comes with that optimism that somehow, the new year will bring out the bad, the sad, the forgettable in the year that passed and bring in the good, the joyful and the memorable in the year yet to unravel.  So, so long 2010 and hello to 2011, hello to new opportunities, new possibilities, more positivity.

Lagalog Notes:  As Lagal[og] moves towards its 7th year in the blogosphere this 3rd week of January, some tweaking and fresh changes are in the air -- lighter, brighter colors overall, a friendlier interface and easier-to-load home page -- the better to welcome 2011 with a brighter outlook.


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