Wednesday, September 15, 2004

More greens

Had a lunch workout, keeping the Honda pres tom (and the consequent overtime work tonight) in mind. Great pesto pasta & mango-banana-whey shake @ Venice Beach -- very healthful indeed. The walk back to the office was a pleasant, albeit, hot, experience. but the strip along the walkway that looks over the Greenbelt 3 zen garden is absolutely refreshing. It makes me miss the ole days when I had a miniature tropical garden of sorts back home (which I tend to everyday, especially on weekends, with occasional trips to the greenhouses/garden market of Cartimar). Thanks to the Ayalas who have the foresight to give people a welcome oasis amidst the urban sprawl. I constantly remind myself not to take things like these for granted as it's very easy to just walk by and miss the garden for the parking lot, hehehe.

Living in a condo can make your eyes tire out with all the concrete and steel (not to mention clothes hanging out to dry in most windows facing the inner square of the structure).  From the 2nd floor directly above the new Ayala Museum, one could see the kois in the pond, occasionally rippling the still water while the young, tall bamboos sway to the near-absent afternoon breeze. The well-contoured terrain resembles mountains surrounded by so many greens -- a replication of nature which is the essence of a Japanese garden anyway. The experience lasted mere minutes, dictated by my harried gait walking back to the office, but it somehow helps recharge me for the afternoon and evening of work ahead. Green thoughts for a busy day.


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