Monday, November 29, 2004

Rainy day at the office on a (supposed) holiday

Don't mean to complain. It's kind of a drag to be in the office on a national holiday and dilly-dallying on unclear ideas when I can be somewhere off, perhaps on the badminton courts, in the mall to shop for Christmas presents, in the gym to work out, or perhaps, oh so dreamily, in dreamland. The rains are not letting up the whole day (which might be a good thing after all, since the building where I live has a scheduled power outage starting at 11 tonight); should be cool enough to sleep.

The weekend went past like a blur, trying to cram in so many things, knowing that Monday isn't a holiday (at least for us). Played at least games of badminton in the morning. Got my computer from the shop. Gought gift for Teresa. Went to the Lagdameos for Teresa's bday (thanks B2 for the ride). Set up the computer till the wee hours of the morning. Woke up early Sun for brunch with mom. Drove over to Alabang to discuss a prospective project with Mike. Went to mass at Don Bosco before nightfall. Whew! Was so tired, had to forego badminton and just relax, buy groceries and things at Makati Square and have an unhurried dinner for a change. Oh, and have a rubdown courtesy of the blind Don Bosco masseurs. Tinkered with the computer and my new gadgets. Went over the Christmas list (quite a long way to go!).

Anyway, got to watch 2 DVD's on the side and here are my itty-bitty reviews:
SNAKY DEAL - anaconda is a more high-techy but not better sequel to the original starred in by Jennifer Lopez and Jon Voight from way back. The anaconda effects are more real but the story is hiss-story (pardon the pun).

'TWAS MANY NIGHTS B4 CHRISTMAS, NOT A THING WAS STIRRING SAVE FOR A (MICKEY) MOUSE - It's like 5 stories in one hour and much of the gang is here including my favorite Donald and rowdy nephews. Didn't expect to enjoy them but was surprised I did especially the one featuring Pluto (aw, I'm such a dawg person!).

P.S. Got this dilemma about gift-giving like I wasn't able to add to the gifts over the weekend (too busy spending on my computer, among other things). Maybe, just maybe, I can take a cue from D2 and give a selection of my favorite music to friends who would appreciate it. Hmmm, I just may entertain the thought all the more now that it's just like 26 days away from Christmas.


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