Traveling alone has its rewards. I must admit, it wasn't easy since it's the peak season. Rides are harder to come by. being booked in St. Jo with military types (turned out to be the advance party for GMA's Sagada visit) can be funny and nerve-wracking, it's hard to tell whether you're hearing firecrackers or gunfire erupting at night. Finding a ride going back home is also tricky since text messages allow smart-aleck teenagers to "reserve" seats for their companions, which isn't fair for other folks. Then again, traveling has its quirks.
P.S. It's rather funny and difficult to fathom the fact that despite my un-sociability for this trip, some strangers I've met knows my name and where I'm billeted. strange. It feels like the presidential security group surveillanced the whole town for gma's visit. I sure hope the road-to-market project she inaugurated takes flight. It will really help the Mt. Province folks earn a more decent living.
For those who want to venture to these parts, here's a lowdown on fares. despite the oil price rollback, the bus rates have remained the same over the last 6 months: Victory Liner (Manila-Baguio, bus trips are round-the-clock) - P390, Lizardo Bus (Baguio-Sagada, sked: 6.30am to 2pm) - P220, Rising Sun Bus (Bontoc-Baguio, sked: 5.30am to 4pm) - P212. jeep from Sagada to Bontoc costs P25.