The month of June has been very eventful for me. Or should I say, painful. Early in the month, Ilost a mountaineer-friend (two, counting an acquaintance) to flash floods in Pinatubo. Just when I thought I have somewhat recovered, last Friday, got word from longtime friend, Des, that a close friend during my Reach Advertising days passed away. While it's been years since I've seen Manolo and we parted ways less amicably than we would've wanted, it's never easy to learn friends have passed on. It's true what my buddy B2 said -- life is short and fragile, that's why we should keep touching other people's lives each and every day. No wiser words said, B2. Anyway, wherever you are Manolo, I include you in my prayers. May you experience the peace that eluded you here on earth over where you are now.