My hectic sked made me almost forget that today, the 29th, marks the first-ever Earth Hour celebration. Thanks to my kumare, Chantal, for reminding me via text in the nick of time. (bai Ferdz texted me as well but I got it the next day since I also shut off my mobile phone at 8pm). Wasn't able to blog earlier or text my circle of friends about it but I did my share from 8.01 to 9.05pm. Even the ref that's eternally plugged got a respite for an hour. Ditto the TV, the Mac, even the iPod got a break.
Curious that a lot of my neighbors did not participate but nevermind, I was still set to honor my commitment. It may not seem like a big deal but it's a small gesture that's a step in the right direction. Unplug for our earth.F or our generation.A nd for the next one. (Earth Hour image culled from the wwf website)