95 year old Apo Chumoh of Bangaan Village |
For a change, I'll let the portraits speak for themselves with only a terse anecdote to accompany each one. A look back at the faces of people we've met in Batad and Bangaan.
Aling Ana of Batad |
We met Aling Ana on one of the stopovers on the trail from the village to the saddle of Batad. Her posture and regal bearing belie her age, her English coherent. But most of all, she offered a warm smile that fueled us for the trek back to the saddle.
Apo Ben of Batad |
Trekkers to Tappia Falls will usually see Apo Ben in the lone open-walled hut in the middle of the amphitheater selling some souvenirs and gamely posing for pictures. I'm not big on souvenirs, especially when a picture of Apo Ben is worth a thousand words.
Young cultural performer of Bangaan |
Watching the cultural performance by the young students of Bangaan village, I was struck by this comely dancer. The shy smile offered to strangers like us was genuine and heartfelt.
All-smiles -- kids and dogs alike! |