Sunday, September 21, 2014

Sagada Rock Farm Inn in Macro Mono

The original plan was to just stay put and rest in Maligcong and Sagada though that changed quickly.  Rock Farm Inn though was a natural choice in this respect.  Considering that it was a low season where a lot of other accommodations in Sagada were offering drastically reduced rates (we visited one offering something like half the peak season rate), Rock Farm Inn has not budged one bit and their rates were the same as usual. 

Otherworldly and exotic ginger flower plant

The place do have unique offerings though that's hard to put a price tag on.  There's the tranquility of living in the middle of an orange orchard away from the occasional noise of the town center.  There were fewer dogs than during my last visit but it was good to be greeted by Hamlin and Butch which we befriended from two previous visits.  Then, there's the feeling of being cocooned in a huge garden filled with incredible blooms.  I know that the rich mountain soil here is conducive for growing a profusion of plants but it doesn't take a genius to see how much care went into the inn's wonderful garden.
Another ginger plant
At the behest of a friend who came along for the trip and a fellow Nikon user, I brought my Nikkor 60mm macro lens for the trip.  Spending a bit more time at the inn than usual instead of coming and going for trips to the tourist attractions became an occasion to explore the natural treasure trove of the place.  In between sips of coffee and the freshly-squeezed orange juices direct from the orchard (but of course), we were captivated by the little wonders here that elude the casual observer.  Enjoy the mono captures!

Info: email Wanda at for information or reservations


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