2023 Og Graphics • Gold background by Macrovector | Freepik
Last year, the tiger brought a somewhat roller-coaster of a year, as far as I'm concerned. 2022 was a year of mixed fortunes -- being made redundant at work toward the 4th quarter, losing a lot of fosters, getting long COVID and being sick for most of the remainder of the year. Here's hoping the water rabbit brings in a dramatic change in fortune, rabbits being prolific breeders (as well as considered as the luckiest of the 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac) so I hope that rubs off on my wealth and luck. The pundits were also saying the incoming year bodes for contemplation and relative rest, a welcome respite from the tumult of 2022. In numerology, 23 means transformation and new beginnings. Associated with the planet Uranus, the number is an enigma as it can be considered as a lucky number or the opposite (let's just stick to the former, shall we?). Lucky color is pink (explains why I chose it for the 2023 graphic above).