Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Ilocos - Stopping over at Burgos

Our fourth stop: the famous lighthouse of Burgos. Imposing and monolithic any way you view it, it's a sight you immediately see coming off the twisting roads from Pasuquin, the longest stretch in between towns in Ilocos norte at 34.7 kilometers. Good thing I rested from the driving and let my buddy, Sherwin, do the honors. 

But the roads are surprisingly smooth so the drive was exceptionally breezy. The lighthouse gives one a spectacular view of the rugged coastline and the gathering surf. Mang Celso, the caretaker, was amiable in sharing a bit of chit-chat.

On the way to Bangui, we chanced upon the rugged shores near the Burgos fish sanctuary which reminded me a bit of Batanes. It was too much of a sight we had to stop over and survey the scene, smell the seabreeze, enjoy the sights.


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