It's been a heady week -- hectic weekend of freelance work spilling into the workweek; one of my brothers is in the hospital and still under observation; a hectic workweek; some disappointments on personal matters -- that honestly, I really need a picker-upper, something to somehow alleviate this feeling of brewing frustration and being overwhelmed. So this piece of news comes as a really pleasant surprise -- being considered for the Digital Camera Magazine UK Readers Photo of the Day. I may not made it as the main feature but seeing my clown macro capture on the home page and getting neat comments from UK readers really put a big smile on my face. Thank you Digital Camera Mag for the privilege. Of course, a big thank you! to the Man Upstairs.
THANKS DOMINIC, ARLENE, ESTAN & FERDZ. in the same token, i would like to thank dominic of www.dongism.blogspot.com for featuring me on his bloggurs. i never really thought of anybody being interested in featuring me in anything :-) so this comes as a big surprise, really. i really appreciate the support and the kind words of dom, arlene and one of my blog idols from the time i got started on blogging, si bai estan. in all honestly, i don't really know if this blog really has an audience which made me consider closing it last quarter of last year. what estan wrote me then made me think and reconsider so i owe you a lot bai. and of course, si ferdz who has been supportive all along. salamat bai!