Maybe it was the water I drank at Kalubihan. Or maybe it was the oysters at the Balaring Seaside. Was practically sleepless almost all night as I felt the effects of food poisoning. We missed out on shooting on this day as my friends attended to me with medicines and Gatorade (thanks Erick & Ferdz!). (I'll spare you the details of my ordeal) by lunchtime, I still was not feeling that much better but I had to be up as we have to eat lunch and I really need the calories to keep going. We ventured to the popular
Food Park for what else but another delicious iteration of chicken inasal courtesy of my best buddy, ironwulf.
It's the first time I caught something during a trip and the afternoon heat easily wore me down. We ended up eating the well-recommended guapple pie in the iconic El Ideal Bakery along the national highway. Crumbly, with the mixed tastes of tart guava and slightly sweet apple, the pie was a welcome treat as I was hungry but couldn't take much food without feeling queasy. Hard to believe, but in my dehydrated state, I just took a cursory look at all the
piaya offerings
El Ideal is famous for.
Thanks to the affable front desk officer of Baldevia Pension House, Melba, an AUV was made available to take us to the airport as I wasn't feeling that well to commute. Our flight back home was delayed by nearly an hour, buying us time to slow down, grab some chow and sample the view deck of the relatively-new Silay airport.
Travel info: Travel time, Silay-Manila around 1 hour • Terminal fee: P30 • most common mode of transpo within Silay is the tricycle which charges P8/head for nearby destinations; Special rates can be contracted to out-of-the-way ones • Contact info: Baldevia Pension House, San Sebastian cor. Rizal Sts., Silay, (034) 4950272