There was a power outage again when i returned to Nyaung U (I asked and was told that the dry season was affecting the power generation).I n the 40 degree plus temperature, it feels nice to be able to nap with the windows open before having a leisurely lunch and showering.
At nearly 3.15pm, the Bagan Minthar Express bus bound for Yangon passed by. I made a hasty wave to Aung, Eden's manager. He helped me secure my ticket with one call to the bus company and it cost me only 16,000kyats (about $16), even cheaper than the fare I paid for the trip from Yangon to Mandalay.

The bus made a very early dinner stopover -- 5.30pm to be exact. After that, our next stop was through a military checkpoint where soldiers listed down our names and inspected our passports and visas. I summarily fell asleep afterwards. I was expecting to arrive in Yangon at around 9am so getting there before sunrise was a big surprise. The much improved roads have considerably reduced the travel time to just under 16 hours instead of the usual 20.
The taxi from the station to downtown shouldn't cost more than 7,000kyats but the taxi driver I rode with not only asked for more, he also got more passengers to ride along. I tried getting into the YMCA hostel along Mahabandoola Road but the gates were still closed. I tried the second inn on my list and it was an act of serendipity. Motherland Inn 2 is located in the quieter side of town, at lower Pazandaung Road, near a railway. Except for the occasional shakes when a train passes by, the place is cozy, very clean, and offers good value for money.
At $10/day for an airconditioned double room, it offers very spacious and very clean toilet and bath, free big breakfast, free transport to the airport, cable tv (only five channels available); internet-ready computers (spotty connection though). The clincher was the 24-hour power supply. Considering the very long power outages even in Yangon, this was a relief. The staff were also very friendly and helpful, especially Ko Ko. Look for this friendly chap if and when you pass by.

Tips: always carry your passport/visa (and also a photocopy) especially when traveling cross-country • info: Motherland Inn 2, no. 433, Lower Pazundaung Road, Yangon; email: