For the time being, will use this blog to help out. I'm just aghast that people often find it incredulous that one can indeed travel on a budget. Was watching ABS-CBN's "Trip na Trip" La Union episode last Friday and was really floored that one establishment was charging almost 5,000 pesos a night. Migolly, that's more than my entire budget for my 4-day Dumaguete-Siquijor trip inclusive of accommodations, guide fees, land transportation, and food! No wonder a lot of Pinoys I know won't dare go out of town.A nyway, I haven't given up on this dream project. Who knows, one day soon, the resources will materialize. Maybe, it's just a matter of looking at the sun, at the brighter side of things. maybe. Image taken at the Tulapos Marine/Mangrove Sanctuary, Siquijor