it's an opportunity to catch up with my buddy, ferdz, and to meet up with a fellow mountaineer, erick d. who's already a regular chat-mate on ym. people close to me knows i'm a lonely planet-kind of shooter. but i don't really mind travel companions as long as we click together. and i'd like to believe our motley group was a hit on the get-go. these two braved my corniest jokes so i'd like to think we all enjoyed the trip (correct me if i'm wrong guys). i find it funny that on my next upcoming trip, i would be travelling with another new travel companion but i think it's an opportunity to expand my circle of friends, and also to share whatever i know. i'm a stubborn, hard-headed fellow who at times, would rather travel solo, so i find it a blessing to have these friends. thanks ferdz, it's always a pleasure traveling with you. and thanks erick for putting up with my jokes. image detail: wicker baskets used for catching/containing fish found in nagarao island, guimaras