By lunchtime, we felt the intense noon sun drain our energies so we repaired to the first eatery that caught our fancy. What we stumbled upon was a foodie’s dream come true – the tastiest, the most delicious batchoy we’ve ever tasted. Even when we took turns shooting the batchoy, the chicharon/pork rind bits were still crunchy, the noodles firm to the bite and the soup stock very tasty to the last drop.
Just like in Ivisan, we had to leave around 2.30-3 so we can catch the trip back to Roxas. But not after making a side trip to the famous Maria Santa, the body of Maria Besanes who passed away in the 1930s but continues to defy natural laws by refusing to succumb to decay. Out of respect, we decided to put away our cameras and offered prayers instead.